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You need to prepare a research paper on one of the following topics of second language acquisition. BICS and CALPThe Monitor ModelAssimilation and AcculturationCode-Switching and TranslanguagingLangu

You need to prepare a research paper on one of the following topics of second language acquisition. BICS and CALPThe Monitor ModelAssimilation and AcculturationCode-Switching and TranslanguagingLangu

You need to prepare a research paper on one of the following topics of second language acquisition. 

  • BICS and CALP
  • The Monitor Model
  • Assimilation and Acculturation
  • Code-Switching and Translanguaging
  • Language loss, Language replacement, Language revitalization
  • Bilingualism and Multilingualism
  • Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy
  • Applied Linguistics and Raciolinguistics
  • Literacy, Biliteracy, and Biculturalism
  • Multicultural, Intercultural, and Cross-cultural communication
  • Social Justice Education

Your paper will be written in APA style. It must have between three to six pages in content, and it should provide an excellent description and explanation of the topic. Also, at least three (3) specific classroom implications need to be stated and explained, demonstrating alignment and relevance to second language teaching. In addition, a minimum of four (4) scholarly sources need to be appropriately cited and appear in the reference section of the research paper.