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DPSY 6002 Walden University: Discussion 2 Trends and Issues in Psychology

DPSY 6002 Walden University: Discussion 2 Trends and Issues in Psychology

DPSY 6002 Walden University: Discussion 2 Trends and Issues in Psychology
Discussion 2: Trends and Issues in Psychology

This is a non-graded Discussion that will provide you with another option for exploring psychology topics in your program of study. Please note that it is highly recommended that you complete this Discussion to help you gain important library skills for your academic success.

In Discussion 1, you searched a topic across multiple psychology journals using a subject-specific database. For this Discussion, you will browse a psychology journal of your choice to explore current trends and issues.

To prepare:

  • Using the Top Psychology Journals in the Learning Resources, choose a journal that is related to a topic in your program of study. Select an issue/volume of that journal from the last 2-3 years to browse.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief summary of your observations about the journal. What did you notice about the topics that were covered? What articles interested you? Did anything surprise you? Include the name of the journal, how often it is published, and a description of the type of research it publishes.

No response will be required for this Discussion. However, if you want to follow up with an additional question or insight to your colleague’s posts, please feel free to do so.