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DPSY 6002: Foundations for Graduate Study in Psychology

DPSY 6002: Foundations for Graduate Study in Psychology

Students in this course are introduced to Walden University and to the requirements for successful participation in an online curriculum. Students work toward building a foundation for academic and professional success as scholar-practitioners and social change agents. They assess the relationship of mission and vision to professional goals, and they develop a program of study, a professional development plan, and strategies for online success. Students also explore resources used throughout the program, such as the online Walden University Library. They engage in course assignments focused on the practical application of professional writing, critical-thinking skills, and the promotion of professional and academic excellence

PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Week 1: Welcome! The Walden Community and Your Program

Welcome to Walden!

When you were researching Walden University prior to enrolling in this program, you might have come across Walden’s vision, value, and mission statements. What does it mean to have a mission? How is the Walden community committed to “advancing the greater global good?” Beginning with this course, you will learn that Walden really “talks the talk and walks the walk” when it comes to the mission of effecting positive social change.

This week, as you begin your first graduate courses at our university, you will delve into Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and values and, in so doing, find out why we are so excited about what happens at our university and how it relates to you, your educational journey, and the goals of your program and specialization PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.

This week, you will identify and focus on the strengths and skills that will lead you to success as you progress through your program.

Post a reflection of something that inspired you from the faculty video messages. Describe how your expectations for your program are reflected in Walden’s mission, vision, and values. Share any challenges that you may face in completing your degree and provide at least one strategy to help overcome these challenges. Then explain why you chose this particular field of study at Walden and how you intend to use your degree PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.