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Discussion on Louise Evan’s TED Talk

Discussion on Louise Evan’s TED Talk

Discussion on Louise Evan’s TED Talk

Step 1: After listening to and taking notes on Louise Evan’s TED Talk, think about your communication behaviours in the professional environment (or college setting). In a 150-200 word post explore which chair you typically revert to when you’re challenged by othersWhy do you think you revert to this chair? Which chair do you think would better help you achieve your goals in a more effective way in the professional environment? How will you go about changing to that chair? Be specific. Explain.


Complete Initial Response – 15 Points: Your initial response should demonstrate analysis (review the link labelled Analyzing versus Summarizing in Modules.) Your initial response should be fully developed addressing the question with adequate examples from the assigned reading and a thoughtful explanation of why or how. A complete initial response is a minimum of 200 words in length.

  • Two comments to colleagues – 15 Points: After you complete your initial response to an online question, read at least 5 of your colleagues’ responses and choose at least two to provide a comment to. Often a student will choose to comment on a response that was most helpful to them in understanding the course material better or one that they found interesting or intriguing. Any comment to a colleague should adequately explain why you found your colleague’s response helpful, interesting or intriguing and be at least 100 words in length.
  • Appropriate Integration of Course Concepts and Terms – 10 Points: your initial response should appropriately integrate course terminology and concepts from class materials.
  • Organization, evidence of proofreading, spelling checked and proper capitalization – 5 Points: Your posts should demonstrate that you carefully proofread, be organized, free of spelling errors, typos and fragments and follow capitalization conventions.

People frequently find themselves in difficult situations with others in professional and academic settings. When this occurs, it is normal for people to return to the “Defensive” or “Avoidant” chair, especially if they are afraid or unsure of themselves. However, reliance on these communication approaches may limit their ability to effectively achieve their aims.

It is far better to use the “Collaborative” or “Curiosity” chair…………………

instead. These communication styles emphasize active listening and openness, which can promote fruitful dialogues and innovative problem-solving. Furthermore, the Curiosity chair promotes asking questions and seeking to understand the viewpoints of others, which leads to deeper insights and better solutions.
Individuals can make this adjustment by practising active listening, asking open-ended inquiries, and increasing their self-confidence. Reflecting on their communication practices and identifying the circumstances that drive them to retreat to the Defensive or Avoidant chair can also be beneficial. Individuals can attain their professional and academic goals more effectively with a little self-awareness and proactive communication.
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