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Case Study Child’s Temperament

Case Study Child’s Temperament

Phase I – Observing and Documenting the Child’s Temperament

What is temperament?

Temperament has been defined as “the basic style” which characterizes a person’s behaviour.

1. Complete the temperament trait sheet.

a. Rate your case study child’s nine temperament traits. Child’s name is Jorge Soto his age is 1yr old

b. Record evidence to support your rating.

i. Document at least 2 examples that support your rating

2. Analyze the qualitative data.

3. Review the anecdotal notes and temperament trait rating documentation and identify the basic type of temperament

a. Easy, difficult, or slow to warm

b. Provide a thorough explanation of your identification of the child’s basic temperament type.

i. Include supporting evidence (examples of the child’s behavior) to back up your claim.

4. Organize the information into a report  (750 words)

a. Construct APA Essay

b. Submit report online

How to approach the Solution and the Thought Process

The temperament trait sheet normally has 9 characteristics that describe a child’s behaviour, including activity level, adaptability, approach/withdrawal, intensity, rhythmicity, responsiveness threshold, distractibility, mood quality, and perseverance. To finish the sheet, you must watch the youngster and rate each dimension on a scale (e.g. high, medium, low).

The process of understanding and making meaning of your observations and anecdotal notes is known as qualitative data analysis. This includes categorizing the data, detecting patterns and themes, and summarizing the results.

After studying the temperament characteristic rating paperwork and anecdotal notes, you can determine the child’s basic temperament type by observing patterns across temperament dimensions. An “easy” child, for example, may be constantly adaptable and cheery, whereas a “difficult” child may have powerful emotions and be sluggish to adapt to new settings.

You would need to create an introduction that offers background on temperament and the aim of the study in order to structure the information into a report. Then you’d provide the results of your temperament assessment and qualitative data analysis, as well as talk about the child’s basic temperament type. Finally, you would write a conclusion that summarizes the main points and offers any recommendations or future research possibilities.

Case Study Sample : Temperament Rating Sheet

Based on the observations presented, here is my evaluation of Jorge Soto:

  • Level of Activity: 6 (High Activity)
    Jorge is constantly on the go and enjoys running and jumping. His mother had to constantly tell him to sit still while eating.
  • 2 Rhythmicity (Irregular)
    Jorge has an erratic eating schedule and naps at various times.
  • 1 approach/1 withdrawal (Slow to Approach)
    Jorge prefers to remain to himself and avoids approaching strangers.
  • 2 Adaptability (Adapts slowly)
    Jorge wants to be alone rather than with other children.
  • 1 Sensory Threshold (Highly Sensitive)
    Jorge, according to his parent, is not responsive to new things, such as clothes or food.
  • Mood Quality: Unrated
    There were no observations to rate this dimension.
  • Reaction Intensity: Unrated
    There were no observations to rate this dimension.
  • 2 Distractibility (Very distractible)
    When Jorge is distracted by his favourite movie “Encanto,” he tunes out.
  • Persistence/Attention Span: 4 (Extremely long attention span/extreme persistence)
    Jorge was able to sit through a film he enjoys.

Jorge’s basic temperament type, based on the scores, may be described as a highly active and irregular child who is slow to approach people and adjusts slowly, but is not sensitive to new items and has a great attention span and tenacity. This conclusion, however, is based on limited observations and may not fully reflect the child’s overall temperament. Additional observations and assessments are required to acquire a better picture of the child’s temperament.


Temperament Analysis assesses the candidate’s mastery of NAEYC   Standard 1a:Because the student knows and understands young children’s characteristics and needs, they demonstrated a clear understanding of the nine temperament traits as an important characteristic of young children and provided a thorough analysis of the child’s temperament. 

Use of the Temperament Rating Tool assesses the candidate’s mastery of NAEYC Standard 3b:  Because the student knows about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches they demonstrated a clear understanding of successfully using the temperamental rating scale.

Evaluation of the child’s basic temperament style assesses the candidate’s mastery of NAEYC Standard 3d:  Because the student knows about assessment partnerships with families and with professional colleagues to build effective learning environments, they demonstrated a clear understanding of the three basic temperament styles and provided a thorough analysis of the child’s temperament style for the child’s family and teacher.

Construct APA Essay

a. Review the qualitative data collected and analyze said data.

b. Create report with findings.

i. The report should be completed following the APA Essay format and the following are required.

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